Raven Rock MFG


I grew up in a small business environment. Family and friends in our small mid-western town were mostly small business owners and entrepreneurs, many were farmers. I learned early that hard work and attention to detail were not options but a requirement to being successful. This upbringing did not lead you to believe you are owed something! If you want it, you had better get motivated and work harder than everyone else. Those lessons have led me to success in various business ventures and the military. The military was also an important time in my life, learning to work with people from a variety of backgrounds and personalities.

My wife and I operated a small retail window covering operation in the mid-west before working several years for a company owned by Hunter Douglas. I was a successful sales representative, winning salesman of the year several years. I not only sold but also coordinated and showed retailers how to manufacture as well.

I eventually decided that I wanted to offer products and services in a manner that larger corporate organizations were not capable of. We offer features and services to make us unique and our dealers successful. The rest is history. Thanks to all of our loyal and dedicated dealers.


We are often approached about donating to worthy causes. We have donated to Women’s Shelters, Housing for families of Hospital patients (allowing them to stay near their loved ones when undergoing medical care far from their own home). Most recently we donated to our wounded warriors. We are grateful we are able to participate and donate to such worthy causes.

Contact Us:

+1 910 292 2526